Podcast Love: 5 Episodes To Inspire Your Work

Podcast Love: 5 Episodes To Inspire Your Work

During my undergraduate university years, we all blindly assumed that taking notes in class, complete with good penmanship and neatly organized notebooks, was the key to successful learning (yes, this was just before laptops hit the scene and our cell phones required us to pull out the antenna).  

One day, in a biology class of all things (hey, I needed my lab credits) I was so immersed with a professor’s lecture that I stopped to listen - really listen - and not take any notes.  After that class, I realized I had retained so much more than when I took notes.  It dawned on my that my scribbled paragraphs and bullet lists were doing nothing for me - I realized I am an auditory learner.  I learn best by listening - whether it’s storytelling (hello audiobooks), news (I love you, NPR), or formal learning in classes or trainings (shoutout to Northwestern)!  I absorb, retain, and process through listening. 

For this reason, I became hooked on podcasts.  My insatiable quest for learning and curiosity is to blame for my subscribed podcast count up to 54 (way more hours than I could ever consume)!  The podcasts here complement my studies and work in Organizational Design, Leadership Development, and Identity in Organizations.

The workplace-oriented podcast option out there are overwhelmingly saturated and often based on pop trends in entrepreneurship, and technology.  However, there are a few I have carried with me and listened to - and re-listened to - whenever I feel a little unfocused.  The lessons, anecdotes, and tips are invaluable.  They're the perfect mix of interesting stories and interviews mixed with some tangible takeaways. So queue up the ear emoji and give these a listen!

  1. Kellogg INSIGHT, Kellogg School of Management: Keep Your Career From Derailing
    • June 6, 2017 | 15 Minutes
  2. The Future of Work : Highlights from The 2016 Podcast Interviews : Episode 120
    • January 18, 2017 | 51 Minutes (the first 10m are skippable)
  3. HBR IdeaCast: Excessive Collaboration (Rob Cross interview): Episode 542
    • September 15, 2016 | 20 Minutes
  4. Coaching for Leaders: Employee Engagement with Management 3.0 (Jurgen Appelo interview) : Episode 276
    • December 18, 2016 | 42 Minutes
  5. Coaching for Leaders: Detect and Eliminate Organizational Sabotage (Bob Frisch interview) : Episode 260
    • August 28, 2016 | 39 minutes

These are in no particular order, but I would say start with the Bob Frisch and Rob Cross episodes if you're feeling manic about a current team project.  Start with the Kellogg one if you need a quick kick in the pants to get yourself in gear.  Move to the Juergen Appelo and Future of Work episodes for more detailed and innovative ideas to put into motion today.  


What are some of your favorites?  

Photo credit: @AestheticDomain via Twenty20



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