I hate to be the one to tell you, but you’re not a hero for answering your email over break.
All in Culture & Engagement
I hate to be the one to tell you, but you’re not a hero for answering your email over break.
The attendees of the workshop were passionate, loyal, and dedicated to the mission. However, as the company grows, a clear operational strategy must accompany that mission. And, oftentimes, that’s uncomfortable. I liken it to…
If an employee misses a day on the company Slack due to customer obligations or vacation, there should not be a penalty. The employee will not - and should not- have to go…
It’s a cognitive shift - instead of obsessing over our weaknesses and how to fix them, it focuses on how we’re each uniquely talented and how we can capitalize on these strengths in new ways.
When creating job descriptions, onboarding programs, and other learning & development programs, leaders must create the conditions for that social learning to take place to allow for the best possible fit.
Our values act as guideposts as we navigate our days, weeks, years. We cling to them when we have a decision to make, we bump into them when confronted with something that just doesn’t feel right. Values are not rules in which we abide by, but rather compasses that help us find our way.
Next time the rounds of recognitions happen, make sure to recognize at least one employee who has consistently brought these skills to the table.
I'm thrilled to be a guest speaker at Apple Valley HR Association's Leadership Summit in Wenatchee,....
Since there is never really a single moment in time that can display the “full truth” of the organizational network, how might organizations leverage SNA to track the evolutions in an economical way?
Whereas culture guides and constrains our work and integration in an organization, engagement is how we interact with the culture: how we feel about the work...