Shine brighter with CliftonStrengths

Shine brighter with CliftonStrengths

Fixing weaknesses prevents total failures… but building strengths leads to success
— Gallup

There’s Myers-Briggs, Hogan, Enneagram, TKI Conflict, DISC, and many more personality assessments out there. CliftonStrengths (formerly known as StrengthsFinder) from Gallup, is a robust system for assessing individual talents, your Top 5 Talents being the keys to developing your strengths.  Investing in those talents through development, coaching, and practice turns your talents into strengths.  

natural talents + investment = strengths

It’s a cognitive shift. Instead of obsessing over our weaknesses and how to fix them, it rather focuses on how we’re each uniquely talented and how we can capitalize on these strengths in new ways. 

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CliftonStrengths can validate what we innately know about ourselves, but have never had the language to lean on.  CliftonStrengths also show us our blind spots and bright spots - what we're talented in and didn't even realize it.  

Our individualized combination of talents, powered by complex algorithms from Gallup, helps us collaborate in more meaningful ways, articulate our talents, and help us find work we love.

Certified Strengths Coaches (like yours truly) have deep expertise in each of the Strengths and the combinations of Strengths.  I think of it is like this - reading your Strengths results on your own is like turning the lights on at 50% power.  Working through the results with a coach amps up the wattage and you can see so much more in your results.  A debrief with a coach is a very important part of turning your talents into strengths for real results.

Sounds cool, right?  I am available for Individual, Manager + Team, and Organization assessment and debriefing.  Debriefing can include workshop facilitation, online learning sessions, 1:1 coaching sessions, individualized development plans, and a lot more. 

Please check out my Strengths-Based Coaching page to set up a free consultation or to go ahead and get started.  It's important to note that many employers will reimburse for this type of learning development exercise!

Shine brighter with CliftonStrengths!

Want to know more about my strengths?  Check out my blog.  




photo courtesy of @kellyprincewrites via Twenty20

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