Autumn introspection: Courage & 1:1 coaching

Autumn introspection: Courage & 1:1 coaching

As autumn brings us indoors more and more, we too tend to look inside ourselves this time of year. It tends to be a time of quiet and relative peace before the holiday craziness of late November and December.

As such, it’s a great opportunity to reflect. Our 2018 New Years’ resolutions have either evolved, been left behind, or met with accomplishment. Around us, the political climate has us all on-guard, the pace of technology continues to lurch forward, and new school year routines are beginning to settle in.

What about you? Have you had a year of progress? What about change? Disruption? Routine? Hope? Perhaps a “reset” of sorts?

Was it a year of action? A year of reflection? Somewhere in between?

As the year-end draws nearer, it’s a great time to take an inventory of where you are and where you want to be - with your career, with your projects, with your personal goals. Clifton StrengthsFinder is a great assessment to help take stock of how you can uncover natural talents to get you closer to where you want to be.

We all need a little more courage to disrupt the little things in our lives - the status quo here, the old habit there.

Coaching is an invaluable resource to help you see both the periphery, and also some things that may be “right in front of you”. My coaching style is strengths-focused, actionable, and conversational. I encourage you to sign up for a free intro call (see below). I am now accepting clients for October and November and I welcome clients from all walks of life - students, career-changers, people who may feel “stuck”, those who are overwhelmed with change, or those who just need a little motivation. Signing up with a coach takes courage - whether it’s a nutrition coach, a relationship coach, a workout coach, or a financial coach… but its one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success, no matter what your endeavor may be!

Learn more about StrengthsFinder, my coaching style, and more. Or, get started right away and sign up for a free intro session!

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