4 Strategies To Dispel Groupthink and Encourage Idea Contribution

4 Strategies To Dispel Groupthink and Encourage Idea Contribution

Groupthink occurs when team members "place consensus above all other priorities - including using good judgement" (Thompson, 2015).  We've all been there.  

Just consider this visual:

How to overcome the groupthink phenomenon?  Try some of these simple strategies:

  1. Keep team size manageable.  No more than 10 people, 8 or less is even better.  If you need to do more than one "shift", so be it.  
  2. Brainwriting over brainstorming.  Fast Company explains this strategy nicely here.  I've tried this with both internal teams and client teams.  It works!  This also helps manage the "loudest voice in the room" issue.
  3. Invite or appoint a devil's advocate in the group.  Intentional challenge and hole-poking in ideas dissolves a lot of confirming opinions so typical of the confirmation bias
  4. Second Solution strategy.  Have the team identify the next-best, or second solution as an alternative to the first choice.  This strategy dispels unnecessary attachment to one idea and promotes idea-generation. 

What other strategies have you used? 


//// Sources:

Thompson, L. L. (2015). Making the team: A guide for managers (5th ed. Global Edition). Team Identity, Emotion, and Development (pp 120-145). Edinburgh Gate, Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited. 


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