Upcoming Events & News

Upcoming Events & News

Wait a second, August is OVER?! How did that happen?!!

Maybe you’re feeling it too - the days are getting a little shorter, the calendars are getting a little busier, and Halloween decorations are already popping up in stores (#TooSoon). Despite that bummer, I am excited to speak at two great back-to-back events in the upcoming weeks - these will no doubt keep me excited about September!

First is INBOUND, a 4-day event in my old hometown, Boston.

It’s been a little while since I’ve been to Boston so I am particularly excited. This event is an annual extravaganza for people engaged with and interested in marketing in some way. The audience of about 25,000 (!!!) includes people from all over - a variety of industries, roles, geographies, and interests. I’m sure I’ll be mingling with Creative Directors, Content Managers, Social Media Managers, Start-Up Founders, Product Managers, Brand Managers, and much more.

photo copyright INBOUND

photo copyright INBOUND

I am one of 250 speakers at INBOUND. I’m honored to share the stage with folks like Katie Couric, Janelle Monae, Alex Ohanian, Elizabeth Gilbert, Chelsea Handler, and many more amazing breakout speakers.

My session, entitled Courageous Conversations: Giving Feedback Without Fear was sold out for the Thursday session, so I’ve been asked to do an Encore presentation Friday, which also sold out! Very exciting! I’ll be talking through some of our all-too-common mental barriers to giving effective feedback - both when we have authority over people, and when we don’t. I will guide the audience through a few simple frameworks to practice and try out so they can get working on giving better feedback right away.

Interested in the event? Click here: https://www.inbound.com/

Next week, I’ll be traveling to San Francisco to join the BetterUp team and fellow BetterUp Coaches at their second annual Coaches Conference.

I have been asked to speak on Thursday, and my session is entitled This Is Not Working: Speaking Up About Failure. Similar to the session at INBOUND, I’ll talk about how fear often blocks us from admitting and accepting failure. Coaches in particular must normalize failures and setbacks with clients. Failure is a huge part of the process - wherever you are going! Just ask any parent, athlete, chef, executive, teacher, bus driver, student, doctor, literally any profession - - we’re all supposed to fail from time to time - it’s part of the process.


When we think of failure as “bad”, we can’t serve our clients well. When we normalize and accept failure, our clients learn to be resilient - to get back up, brush themselves off, and move on. Coaches are often the first line of defense due to the nature of the confidential relationship, so I’m excited to get this conversation started with the BetterUp Coaching community.

Interested in the event? Click here: https://events.bizzabo.com/bucc2019/agenda/session/113068

Do you have an event coming up that needs a Speaker? Interested in the topics above for your company or team? Let’s chat!

How to develop empathy for someone who irritates you

How to develop empathy for someone who irritates you

What to Talk About: Mastering the Art of Networking, Small Talk, and Elevator Talk

What to Talk About: Mastering the Art of Networking, Small Talk, and Elevator Talk