In my career, I’ve always loved being part of smaller businesses in which I know everyone’s name, in which I work in small teams, and in which I can develop meaningful relationships and accomplish goals with people I care deeply about.
In my career, I’ve always loved being part of smaller businesses in which I know everyone’s name, in which I work in small teams, and in which I can develop meaningful relationships and accomplish goals with people I care deeply about.
Chicagoans know that when an L train line is down, the city seizes with inconvenience. When that happens for me, I stay calm and just find another route. There’s always another way, another possibility, and hey, it might be a great chance to see a new part of the city. It’s my Strategic theme at its best.
Those with Command as a Top 5 Strength bring decisiveness and emotional clarity. They have the ability to bring to light what is often avoided or unstated. They do not shy away from confrontation…
…The idea of walking into a bookstore or library and just knowing how much knowledge, how much intellect, how many years of thought and wisdom was in those books - that has always made me giddy with excitement…
I have used my Individualization to not only to get the most out of group collaboration, but also to build strong partnerships with my clients. I use this strength to “style-shift”…
It’s a cognitive shift - instead of obsessing over our weaknesses and how to fix them, it focuses on how we’re each uniquely talented and how we can capitalize on these strengths in new ways.
When creating job descriptions, onboarding programs, and other learning & development programs, leaders must create the conditions for that social learning to take place to allow for the best possible fit.
The solitude that nature brought over 2017 gave me the space to immerse myself in my own thoughts - both the fearful thoughts and the positive thoughts. It was, in a word, laborious.
... how do we actually teach the nuance of what is the right and wrong way to act in an organizational setting? Who decides what is right and wrong, and how do organizations design a curriculum to address it?
The focus is leading toward a greater good, an optimistic future. Transformational leaders encourage independent thought and moral reflection - not incremental improvements to organization’s quarterly results.
Whereas line-managers typically solve problems related their specific area of expertise, a leader can “zoom in and zoom out” of a problem, a micro and macro approach of sorts. With this approach and skill set, a leader exhibits unique problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. It is important to note...
Acronyms can make communications more efficient, helping us express our thoughts in a much more concise and accelerated manner. However, there are times when it can slow down cognition, consistently leaving listeners a few steps behind in...
Our values act as guideposts as we navigate our days, weeks, years. We cling to them when we have a decision to make, we bump into them when confronted with something that just doesn’t feel right. Values are not rules in which we abide by, but rather compasses that help us find our way.
Resilience - the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties - is a learned behavior. We learn ways to work through our disappointments and setbacks. This framework affords us an immediate, mid, and long-term view of the impact of our decision.
Next time the rounds of recognitions happen, make sure to recognize at least one employee who has consistently brought these skills to the table.
...However, there are a few I have carried with me and listened to - and re-listened to - whenever I feel a little unfocused. The lessons, anecdotes, and tips are invaluable...
I'm thrilled to be a guest speaker at Apple Valley HR Association's Leadership Summit in Wenatchee,....